2nd year members share their spiritual journey. Recruit 1st year members for next week.
Apprentice or 3rd year member will model a 20-minute time of personal worship using PRAISE and the 5 targets of prayer. Recruit a 2nd year member for next week.
Optional: break into smaller groups so 3rd year members can coach 1st years in personal worship.
Talk about progress in 21 days of personal worship.
Suggested Discussion
Discuss the Do and Done Diagrams and the Great Swap (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Discuss we lost it all, He did it all, we get it all, vs. we lost a lot, He did a lot, we get a lot. Goal should be to make sure JG members understand and are relying on grace.
Discuss 1 or 2 of the equipping questions.
Provide time for accountability questions.
Discuss the three common characteristics of people who live missionally. Ask 1 or 2 of your JG members to share the needs where they live, work and play that concern them.