Review memory verse of the week and discuss how it relates to the TRUTH section
Suggested Discussion
TRUTH – Discuss any of the IN BIBLE questions you choose, but don’t take time to discuss them all. Ask your JG to share their personal applications of the verses you do discuss. Their personal applications should start with the word “I” – e.g. “I will (with God’s help) …” If they haven’t written down personal applications, or if their applications aren’t specific and measurable, coach them on doing this. Application is the hardest thing the student of the Bible has to learn. Here are some tips for discussion:
DANIEL 7:13-14 – The phrase “son of man” simply means that the person Daniel saw was a man, so it is certain that this figure is a human being. On the other hand, no human being has ever been ushered into the presence of God because of man’s sinfulness. The fact that this figure appears before God in this way indicates that he is perfectly sinless at the least. In addition, the fact that this figure is pictured coming on the clouds is an indication of deity. Clouds and smoke are frequent Old Testament indications of the manifest presence of God.
ISAIAH 9:1-7 & MATTHEW 4:12-17 – Isaiah’s prophecy hints that the that the child to be born would more than human by the image of light shining on those in darkness, the divine titles (e.g. “Mighty God”), and the promise of an eternal reign on David’s throne. This person would bring the blessings of spiritual prosperity, deliverance from oppression, a just and righteous rule, eternal peace, all of which signal the arrival of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 4:17).